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10 Pounds in 10 Days Smoothie Diet

Goodreads Choice Awards 2021
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 · 5,766 ratings  · 293 reviews
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Jun 13, 2019 rated it really liked it
I have to tell you I haven't done the 10-day green smoothie cleanse so I can't really attest to the outcome. That being said, this book includes the how-tos, ingredients and preparation, the authors personal tips for success, as well as what to do after the cleanse to continue a weight loss plan and maintain healthier living.
The book includes other recipes as well and several testimonials from people that have tried the '10-day Smoothie Cleanse'.
I definitely will be trying this in the near futu
I have to tell you I haven't done the 10-day green smoothie cleanse so I can't really attest to the outcome. That being said, this book includes the how-tos, ingredients and preparation, the authors personal tips for success, as well as what to do after the cleanse to continue a weight loss plan and maintain healthier living.
The book includes other recipes as well and several testimonials from people that have tried the '10-day Smoothie Cleanse'.
I definitely will be trying this in the near future! I'll update my review to let you know how it goes. 🙂
teresa fowler
Aug 16, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Best health book I have ever purchased

Best health book I have ever purchased

My husband has been following the recipes in this book for eight weeks. He went to the Doctor
yesterday to find out all of his medical numbers have improved drastically....
Cholesterol has dropped forty points..... blood pressure.......
besides the fact that he has lost over thirty pounds, he feels like a new man.

Stacia McFadden
JJ Smith makes a life changing experience very simple. I began reading the book just a few days before starting the cleanse and was easily motivated to not waste time and get started. The book provides shopping lists for the tasty smoothies to start you on your journey. I've juiced before and the setup and cleanup were just too time consuming. JJ's methods were easy to implement. I'm only on Day 1 and so far so good. No matter how tough the next few days might be, I will use the testimonials and JJ Smith makes a life changing experience very simple. I began reading the book just a few days before starting the cleanse and was easily motivated to not waste time and get started. The book provides shopping lists for the tasty smoothies to start you on your journey. I've juiced before and the setup and cleanup were just too time consuming. JJ's methods were easy to implement. I'm only on Day 1 and so far so good. No matter how tough the next few days might be, I will use the testimonials and the cleanse's Facebook page to motivate and inspire me. The book is easy to read and has really got me thinking about taking control of my bad eating habits. Also, several friends and family members have all given me positive feedback on their success, so I'm very optimistic. ...more
Mar 09, 2016 rated it really liked it
I am planning on starting this cleanse on Monday. I will hold off my rating til then.

3/17 I am on my 6th day and I am still on it, strong.

First day and second day were hardest. I had intense cravings, but I held it off. Don't get me wrong, if I smell food, trust me, I'd crave that. But it's not as bad.

For the cleanse, each day, you have to prepare a smoothie about 48 oz. and replace your meals with that. The smoothie is divided in three for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals, yo

I am planning on starting this cleanse on Monday. I will hold off my rating til then.

3/17 I am on my 6th day and I am still on it, strong.

First day and second day were hardest. I had intense cravings, but I held it off. Don't get me wrong, if I smell food, trust me, I'd crave that. But it's not as bad.

For the cleanse, each day, you have to prepare a smoothie about 48 oz. and replace your meals with that. The smoothie is divided in three for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals, you can have eggs, crunchy fruits and vegetables, nuts or seeds. There is a recommended detox tea (Yogi brand) that you can have any time you desire. The cleanse isn't that bad, but I assure you, you need to be committed. I am not a stranger to green smoothies, so the recipes were a delight.

What I liked about the book was there was a shopping list for days 1-5, and then days 6-10. It was extremely convenient. HOWEVER, the shopping list is somehow not accurate? On day 7, I still have a couple bags of spring greens and kale for the first 5 days. So it's lasting me til the end of the cleanse if I somehow substitute spring greens for spinach.

Day 1: Berry Green smoothie ★★★★
3rd BEST--->Day 2: Apple Strawberry ★★★★★ - my favorite smoothie so far. I am for sure making this after!
Day 3: Apple Berry ★★ - my 2nd least favorite. Made of banana, apple and blueberries, this smoothie was lacking flavor. It's probably my blueberries, but I'm not sure if I am repeating this one.
Day 4: Berry Peachy ★★★★
Day 5: Peach Berry Spinach ★★★★
2nd BEST--->Day 6: Pineapple Spinach ★★★★★ - so tropical! so nomnomnomnom.
Day 7: Pineapple Berry ★★★★
Day 8: Spinach Kale Berry ★★ - the most awful tasting smoothie in the bunch. Idk if it's from putting too much kale or my blueberries not being that sweet, but I sure know this tasted like leaves.
Day 10: Pineapple Kale ★★★ A bit on the bitter and sour side, but tolerable.


I have survived!! And I have lost 5.8 pounds. In terms of what the book is claiming, it's pretty far off I am feeling that I am getting my monthly visitor, so that may also cause the less than spectacular weight loss). However, my energy levels are way up. I have been doing PIYO (pilates-yoga) and I feel strong. I should have measured my waist however, I couldn't find one. I do feel like I have lost a few and my pants definitely feel better and my tummy definitely flatter.

The book pretty much delivers on what it promises. I don't think I feel more energetic though. But I did lose 10 lbs in 8 days so I can't really argue with the results, though most of that 10 lbs is likely fluid. Some days were definitely harder than others in terms of cravings but now that I'm about to go back to regular food I actually don't even know what I want to eat!

The number one rule when it comes to this is to keep yourself busy. When you're bored you think about food. Heck, that's one

The book pretty much delivers on what it promises. I don't think I feel more energetic though. But I did lose 10 lbs in 8 days so I can't really argue with the results, though most of that 10 lbs is likely fluid. Some days were definitely harder than others in terms of cravings but now that I'm about to go back to regular food I actually don't even know what I want to eat!

The number one rule when it comes to this is to keep yourself busy. When you're bored you think about food. Heck, that's one of the reasons we eat food. I plan to incorporate this smoothie diet in the future as meal replacements here and there. It's very easy and it's nice to know I can get all of my nutrients without having a cook a thing!

Michele Wesley
This Smoothie Cleanse actually works if you have the will-power to endure the first three days. I soldiered through the first ten days and it worked so well. I lost a pound a day. Around the fourth day, I literally felt light and free, like all of the world's poisons has been washed from my body. I intend to keep doing this cleanse at least 3-4 times a year. My second go at it, I convinced my better half to try the cleanse. He loves it as well, losing 14 pounds in 10 days. This is a great way to This Smoothie Cleanse actually works if you have the will-power to endure the first three days. I soldiered through the first ten days and it worked so well. I lost a pound a day. Around the fourth day, I literally felt light and free, like all of the world's poisons has been washed from my body. I intend to keep doing this cleanse at least 3-4 times a year. My second go at it, I convinced my better half to try the cleanse. He loves it as well, losing 14 pounds in 10 days. This is a great way to cleanse our bodies and lose weight! ...more
Jul 16, 2014 rated it liked it
There was a lot of questionable nutritional advice. I don't think people need cleanses. Our bodies will cleanse themselves as soon as we stop putting poisons into them. The advice wasn't all bad, but I wouldn't refer people to this book for dietary information.

However, I still rated this book three stars and would recommend it to others because it has a lot of great smoothie recipes and ideas that don't involve difficult-to-find ingredients.

There was a lot of questionable nutritional advice. I don't think people need cleanses. Our bodies will cleanse themselves as soon as we stop putting poisons into them. The advice wasn't all bad, but I wouldn't refer people to this book for dietary information.

However, I still rated this book three stars and would recommend it to others because it has a lot of great smoothie recipes and ideas that don't involve difficult-to-find ingredients.

Feb 08, 2015 rated it it was amazing
It works...

If you stick with it - it works!!! There are so many recipes so you won't get bored. I loved the fact there's a modified version of the cleanse.

Go ahead... make that change!

It works...

If you stick with it - it works!!! There are so many recipes so you won't get bored. I loved the fact there's a modified version of the cleanse.

Go ahead... make that change!

Angy Potter - Collector of Book Boyfriends
Oct 22-2018 Finished reading
I have the blender to start the cleanse!!
I'll rate it once I finish it!!

Nov 14-2018
I did the cleanse and it was amazing! I lost 10 pounds and I feel amazing! Great book! And a healthy life has begun!!

Oct 22-2018 Finished reading
I have the blender to start the cleanse!!
I'll rate it once I finish it!!

Nov 14-2018
I did the cleanse and it was amazing! I lost 10 pounds and I feel amazing! Great book! And a healthy life has begun!!

Jun 17, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I searched out this book after seeing testimonies on Facebook. After getting very sick, (At one point I was taking 37 pills including steroids and 3 nebulizer treatments a day) I tried juicing. It was quite expensive but I found that I loved the recipes and did not find myself getting hungry. Overall I felt a little bit better and was able to breathe with more ease. Yet I was not able to play outside with my children, date my husband, entertain friends . . . do the things which matter most in th I searched out this book after seeing testimonies on Facebook. After getting very sick, (At one point I was taking 37 pills including steroids and 3 nebulizer treatments a day) I tried juicing. It was quite expensive but I found that I loved the recipes and did not find myself getting hungry. Overall I felt a little bit better and was able to breathe with more ease. Yet I was not able to play outside with my children, date my husband, entertain friends . . . do the things which matter most in the world to me. In addition, I now had to deal with my ballooning weight which compounded matters. Tipping the scales at close to 230 pounds I was carrying more on my 5 foot 2 inch frame than my dearly beloved husband who is 6 foot 4.

I began researching homeopathic remedies for my health problems. Not being able to afford $300/person/weekend of fresh fruits and vegetables, I tried It Works! Greens on The Go. Within my first 2 ½ weeks I lost 18 pounds along with my migraine headaches. I also was no longer dependent on my emergency inhaler. I then started using the body wraps along with the greens and lost enough inches in my waist to go down a pant size. At this time I was still eating rather unhealthy but made the decision to adopt a clean eating plan in addition to the Greens and wraps.

JJ Smith's book "10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse" was my go to guide for ridding myself of the bad foods and other toxins in my life. In this book she includes not only recipes and shopping lists but also several detox methods like apple cider vinegar, saunas, ionic foot baths and body brushing. I have to admit that there were days where I was tempted and did take a bite out of the poisonous fruit. Each time I would just start over wherever I left off. At the end of my 10 day journey I had lost another 6 pounds.

Today I continue on my journey towards good health using the principles outlined in this book and its companion Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out. I carry my Greens on the Go with me wherever I travel, wrap twice a week and maintain a primarily alkaline lifestyle. I have also started an exercise regimen that includes walking and yoga and look forward to incorporating Crossfit soon. I am really enjoying the skin I am in now. So far I am down from a size 2X to a size 14 and have lost nearly 40 pounds.

Kelly Ardyn
Aug 15, 2014 rated it it was amazing
I like it but the author confuses me. First she says don't eat corn, then lists popcorn as a snack. She talks about how animal protein is hard for the body to digest and at this point I think she is a vegetarian, then the recipes in the back if the book all contain meat. I am a vegetarian and no way am I eating those things. She also says it's not a starvation diet, which to me is exactly what felt like. They said it would get easier as u go but for me hunger just got worse. I am happy with the I like it but the author confuses me. First she says don't eat corn, then lists popcorn as a snack. She talks about how animal protein is hard for the body to digest and at this point I think she is a vegetarian, then the recipes in the back if the book all contain meat. I am a vegetarian and no way am I eating those things. She also says it's not a starvation diet, which to me is exactly what felt like. They said it would get easier as u go but for me hunger just got worse. I am happy with the 5 lbs I lost but wish it was more like everyone else is claiming to lose. But I also was only 127 to start with so I knew it would not make me lose a lot. Overall I liked it but I never want to see another smoothie again in my life.

I should also add that towards the end of the challenge for some reason my hands and face turned orange which was noticed by my mom. I didn't see it til she pointed it out but it was like WOW I was really orange. I wonder why this happened. After I stopped the challenge it started to go away. Wish it would've happened on my whole body, it would have been a natural tan.

I really, really want to be healthy.

But I love tacos and cake.

Also relatable:

That being said, I am super excited to try this. I normally avoid detoxes and cleanses but I need a mental reset and a pat on the butt. I did a quick read through and I found the grocery list to be a helpful addition. The list being divided into two grocery trips to ensure freshness is a bonus.

Final review will come after I get through the 10 days....
[unless that evil cake gets me]

I really, really want to be healthy.

But I love tacos and cake.

Also relatable:

That being said, I am super excited to try this. I normally avoid detoxes and cleanses but I need a mental reset and a pat on the butt. I did a quick read through and I found the grocery list to be a helpful addition. The list being divided into two grocery trips to ensure freshness is a bonus.

Final review will come after I get through the 10 days....
[unless that evil cake gets me]

Roshonda Contee-Davis
Very Informative!!!

This book made me realize so many things I didn't before. I have not been a fan of vegetables, but to see that there is an easy way to get them in, has helped. I am going to start the cleanse in seven days and hope that I get the full benefit.....not just weight loss.

Very Informative!!!

This book made me realize so many things I didn't before. I have not been a fan of vegetables, but to see that there is an easy way to get them in, has helped. I am going to start the cleanse in seven days and hope that I get the full benefit.....not just weight loss.

Ruth E. R.
I liked the recipes, but I wasn't fully attempting the "smoothie cleanse." Just trying to figure out new ways to incorporate spinach into my smoothies, to boost my iron, omega-3s, and other vitamins. I once tried making one with kale -- my first and last try. Tasted like fresh grass clippings. I liked the recipes, but I wasn't fully attempting the "smoothie cleanse." Just trying to figure out new ways to incorporate spinach into my smoothies, to boost my iron, omega-3s, and other vitamins. I once tried making one with kale -- my first and last try. Tasted like fresh grass clippings. ...more
Natural Knowledge 24/7
If you are looking to lose weight, increase your energy, have mental clarity, better sleep and digestion, or less bloating, the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse may be just what you need to detoxify your body and reach your goals. Do not mistake best-selling author JJ Smith's Smoothie Cleanse for a diet book; this book is about making a lifestyle change through a detox cleanse. Yes, there is the added bonus that you may lose up to 15 pounds in 10 days, however, Smith wants this cleanse to be the fi If you are looking to lose weight, increase your energy, have mental clarity, better sleep and digestion, or less bloating, the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse may be just what you need to detoxify your body and reach your goals. Do not mistake best-selling author JJ Smith's Smoothie Cleanse for a diet book; this book is about making a lifestyle change through a detox cleanse. Yes, there is the added bonus that you may lose up to 15 pounds in 10 days, however, Smith wants this cleanse to be the first step in trying to develop a happier and healthier you. She provides you with all the tools you will need to take your first steps.

What is great about this cleanse is that you do not have to starve yourself. You can do the full cleanse by drinking 3 smoothies a day and snacking on carrots, apples, hard-boiled eggs, raw or unsalted nuts, and seeds. Or, you can choose to do the modified cleanse which consists of two smoothies a day with a meal high in protein, like a salad with a grilled skinless chicken breast, while still snacking throughout the day. Smith offers you a shopping list for ingredients, and recipes for each of the 10 days. If you choose to continue drinking smoothies after your cleanse there are almost 50 pages of additional recipes catered to different needs like stress, fat-burners, and kid-friendly options. This cleanse also provides options for people with diabetes looking to make a change.

Smith claims that this cleanse will be a health-transformative experience. She explains the science behind the cleanse, giving reasons for drinking smoothies over juicing, as well as practical reasons like having an easier clean-up. More importantly, this cleanse is about training your body to have better eating habits. Smith provides information to last beyond your initial cleanse. She encourages you to be more active – now this doesn't mean you have to start going to the gym, she is no athlete, but it does mean actively choosing the stairs over the elevator or taking a walk at lunch.
Remember: this is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. This smoothie cleanse is not merely about losing weight fast, but about eating healthier and living healthier. If you diet only to lose weight you'll be on a diet for life – who wants that? This is not going to be an easy task, but if you try to stick with it you will see the results.

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse provides you with some great online resources, FAQs, testimonials, additional detoxification information, and high-protein recipes, like mushroom steak and seared scallops, to help you manage your way through the cleanse and beyond. The frequently asked questions are truly helpful – containing information for the coffee-drinkers, daily-exercisers, and more.
Smith uses repetition to drive her point home. The book is a breeze to read through, and the bulk of the information you need to start your cleanse occurs in the first half of the book. Smith's disposition is very positive and encouraging, which makes this 10-day detox cleanse easier to begin. If you are tired of suffering from insomnia, breakouts of acne, food-cravings, depression, or maybe you just want to lose a few extra pounds, try the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. It's a good habit to start your day with a smoothie. Are you ready to make your lifestyle change?

I've now finished the 'reading' element and already this warrants the book being 5 stars for me. It was easy to read, it seems easy to follow, everything from a shopping list to the recipes are provided in 'jargon' free wording.

The impact of reading this is exciting. I can't wait to try the 10 day detox and see if what the written word says is true.

I'm doing what the book suggests. I'm planning ahead so that my mind is ready for the robust change that is heading its way. I'm not doing this alon

I've now finished the 'reading' element and already this warrants the book being 5 stars for me. It was easy to read, it seems easy to follow, everything from a shopping list to the recipes are provided in 'jargon' free wording.

The impact of reading this is exciting. I can't wait to try the 10 day detox and see if what the written word says is true.

I'm doing what the book suggests. I'm planning ahead so that my mind is ready for the robust change that is heading its way. I'm not doing this alone, I'm planning on doing it with my daughter, this will give us both motivation. I'm not doing it for the weight loss, my aim is for health, for energy, to see if it will stabilise my sleeping pattern and, after all of these years, it's to give my body a cleaning that it has never had before!

What I'm worried about: The smoothies themselves!! I hate healthy food, I don't like greens, eat little or no fruit and so already this is a challenge, hence the reason I am planning ahead, my taste buds are in for a shock!!!!

Okay, my detox planned date is Monday 11th August (almost 2 weeks from now). This gives me time to get my shopping list together, (get my birthday out of the way ha ha) and to be fully ready. I will review and add stars after the 10 days....

Wish me luck....

Jan 06, 2015 rated it it was ok
The reason you lose weight drinking these smoothies is because that's ALL you eat/drink: 3 smoothies/day. And it ain't much!! The average is 1 handful of veggies and 1 fruit/ handful of grapes *per* meal.

If I had enough willpower to eat next to nothing for 3 days, it wouldn't just be smoothies.

The reason you lose weight drinking these smoothies is because that's ALL you eat/drink: 3 smoothies/day. And it ain't much!! The average is 1 handful of veggies and 1 fruit/ handful of grapes *per* meal.

If I had enough willpower to eat next to nothing for 3 days, it wouldn't just be smoothies.

Saw this on the Steve Harvey show. :-) Short and sweet! Easy to read and understand. The author did an excellent job providing additional information! She also provides tips and advice tucked between the pages. I skipped the success stories and testimonials...meh.

Gonna give it a go!

Ann Taylor
Jan 27, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Smoothies were pretty good. The whites of my eyes are GLEAMING. I would do this again if I needed a major reset. Also, all the recipes and how to do the cleanse is laid out in an extremely easy-to-follow way. Big fan!
Lots of helpful advice on how to create a healthful lifestyle plus dozens of smoothie recipes.

Very informative I think it gives some great advice about which foods are good for your body. Great information, wish it was longer!

Daphne Mason
13 lbs down

This was an amazing journey. This book is awesome. It showed me how healthy eating and better choices is a lot easier than I thought. The recipes are fantastic and something that I can use for the rest of my life.

Kelly Lynn Thomas
I heard about this from a friend and thought, "What the hell, I'll try it for science."

Okay, so the first thing I don't love about this book is that it is 75% fluffy filler (SO MANY PAGES OF TESTIMONIALS WHY), 20% smoothie recipes, and 5% about why you need to cleanse your colon (sorry no that sounds awful and gross).

The second thing I don't love is the secret Jesus laced throughout the book, which came up with vague references about cleansing your body for "spiritual" effects and showed up full

I heard about this from a friend and thought, "What the hell, I'll try it for science."

Okay, so the first thing I don't love about this book is that it is 75% fluffy filler (SO MANY PAGES OF TESTIMONIALS WHY), 20% smoothie recipes, and 5% about why you need to cleanse your colon (sorry no that sounds awful and gross).

The second thing I don't love is the secret Jesus laced throughout the book, which came up with vague references about cleansing your body for "spiritual" effects and showed up full-force in the testimonials section. Like, if you're going to write a religious diet book, please just write a religious diet book and label it as such so I don't waste my time.

However, even after that, I am up for trying almost anything once. So I'm trying it, for three days. But here's the thing. Each recipe is supposedly for 72 oz. of ingredients that you then break up into three for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Those 72 oz. equal about 400 calories, total. That is insanely low. You can snack on selected items between smoothies (crunchy veggies, apples, nuts), but even so, that is not really enough calories for your body to run efficiently.

Everything about this book dings my bullshit radar, AND YET I'M TRYING IT. For science, obviously. You've got people on one side talking about how cleanses are SO AMAZING and on the other side how they are unnecessary and even bad for you. So, I'm turning my body into a guinea pig this week. Will I lose weight? Will I feel energized despite eating only 150 calories per meal? Only time will tell!

I'm not fat. I'm just full of toxins. I'm not fat. I'm just full of toxins. ...more
Ashley Teagle
I loved this book! I never thought I could be one of those people who drank green smoothies and enjoyed it. The recipes in this book contained enough fruit that I wasn't completely disgusted by the taste.

The book includes a shopping list for the 10 day cleanse and lots of additional recipes for smoothies that provide various health benefits.

I am adding this cleanse to my list of favorite healthy eating books. Nearly a month after finishing my cleanse, I have kept off the pounds and inches I lost

I loved this book! I never thought I could be one of those people who drank green smoothies and enjoyed it. The recipes in this book contained enough fruit that I wasn't completely disgusted by the taste.

The book includes a shopping list for the 10 day cleanse and lots of additional recipes for smoothies that provide various health benefits.

I am adding this cleanse to my list of favorite healthy eating books. Nearly a month after finishing my cleanse, I have kept off the pounds and inches I lost during the cleanse.

One of the biggest benefits I got from this cleanse was the ability to detox from sugar and caffeine. I felt horrible for about two days, but once I pushed through it, I began to feel amazing.

This book is a great option for those who like to kick start weight loss in the new year and for those who are curious about green smoothies but never worked up the nerve to try them.

Dec 21, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I gotta be honest, the information is repetitive and looks like someone with a middle school education wrote it, but I'm giving it 5 stars because it's legit. I did the modified cleanse and lost 7 lbs in 10 days, breaking through a plateau that I've been sitting at for over a year. I've recommended this book to others. It's pretty easy to follow and it definitely works. The author stresses that this is not a diet but a lifestyle change, and I would have to agree. Eating more fruits and veggies i I gotta be honest, the information is repetitive and looks like someone with a middle school education wrote it, but I'm giving it 5 stars because it's legit. I did the modified cleanse and lost 7 lbs in 10 days, breaking through a plateau that I've been sitting at for over a year. I've recommended this book to others. It's pretty easy to follow and it definitely works. The author stresses that this is not a diet but a lifestyle change, and I would have to agree. Eating more fruits and veggies is never a bad thing. ...more
Joel Rockey
Finished this smoothie cleanse today. It was better than I expected. (The first couple days were very difficult.) I ended up losing a little over 10 pounds, I have a lot more energy, and I'm no longer craving sweets and junk food. I plan on incorporating green smoothies into my daily routine (probably for lunch). Definitely would recommend it. If you can make it past days 2 & 3, you'll end up loving this cleanse! Finished this smoothie cleanse today. It was better than I expected. (The first couple days were very difficult.) I ended up losing a little over 10 pounds, I have a lot more energy, and I'm no longer craving sweets and junk food. I plan on incorporating green smoothies into my daily routine (probably for lunch). Definitely would recommend it. If you can make it past days 2 & 3, you'll end up loving this cleanse! ...more
Louise Gibson
Starvation diet

The amount of ingredients for your daily smoothies is NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH, I was horrified, and had to re read the recipes to make sure that I was reading them correctly.
You would need one of the recipes 3 times a day, not one split into all you drink for a whole day.

Baby Diva
Jun 02, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Why not!!!

It may not be the easiest thing I've ever tried but the recipes look so yummy I can hardly wait to try it. I drink smoothies and shakes most days doing the summer so this will be the perfect way to get myself going in the right direction with my health. Stay tuned!!!

Why not!!!

It may not be the easiest thing I've ever tried but the recipes look so yummy I can hardly wait to try it. I drink smoothies and shakes most days doing the summer so this will be the perfect way to get myself going in the right direction with my health. Stay tuned!!!

JJ Smith is a nutritionist and certified weight-management specialist, passionate relationship/life coach, and inspirational speaker. She has been featured on The Montel Williams Show, The Jamie Foxx Show, and The Michael Baisden Show. JJ has made appearances on the NBC, FOX, CBS and CW Network television stations, as well as in the pages of Glamour, Essence, Heart and Soul, and Ladies Home Journa JJ Smith is a nutritionist and certified weight-management specialist, passionate relationship/life coach, and inspirational speaker. She has been featured on The Montel Williams Show, The Jamie Foxx Show, and The Michael Baisden Show. JJ has made appearances on the NBC, FOX, CBS and CW Network television stations, as well as in the pages of Glamour, Essence, Heart and Soul, and Ladies Home Journal. Since reclaiming her health, losing weight, and discovering a "second youth" in her forties, bestselling author JJ Smith has become the voice of inspiration to women who want to lose weight, be healthy, and get their sexy back! JJ Smith provides lifestyle solutions for losing weight, getting healthy, looking younger and improving your love life! ...more

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Luvvie Ajayi Jones—author, cultural critic, digital entrepreneur—might be best described as a professional truthteller. Her crazily popular...
"Five Days • 6 apples • 1 bunch grapes • 20 ounces frozen peaches • 20 ounces frozen blueberries • 15 ounces frozen strawberries • 10 ounces frozen mixed berries • 6 ounces of mango chunks • 3 bananas • 1 bunch kale • 20 ounces spinach • 20 ounces spring mix greens • Stevia sweetener (packets) • Bag of ground flaxseeds (often in vitamin section) • Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.) • Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on • Detox tea (by Triple Leaf or Yogi brands) • Sea salt (or any uniodized sea salt) • OPTIONAL: Non-dairy/plant-based protein powder, such as RAW Protein by Garden of Life or SunWarrior protein Food for the Last Five Days • 20 ounces frozen mango chunks • 20 ounces frozen peaches • 20 ounces frozen pineapple chunks • 10 ounces frozen mixed berries • 6 ounces frozen blueberries • 6 ounces frozen strawberries • 2 apples • 5 bananas • 1 bunch kale • 20 ounces spinach • 20 ounces spring mix greens • Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.) • Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on CHAPTER FOUR How to Do the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse is a truly health-transforming experience." — 2 likes
"6 apples 1 bunch grapes 20 ounces frozen peaches 20 ounces frozen blueberries 15 ounces frozen strawberries 10 ounces frozen mixed berries 6 ounces of mango chunks 3 bananas 1 bunch kale 20 ounces spinach 20 ounces spring mix greens Stevia sweetener (packets) Bag of ground flaxseeds (often in vitamin section) Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.) Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on Detox tea (by Triple Leaf or Yogi brands) Sea salt (or any uniodized sea salt) OPTIONAL: Non-dairy/plant-based protein powder, such as RAW Protein by Garden of Life or SunWarrior" — 2 likes
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10 Pounds in 10 Days Smoothie Diet
